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Frugal Mechanical Washer for Rural Indian Hospitals

Concept Design.png

Graduation Project, TU Delft, The Netherlands

For the entire project information and research view my Graduation Report in the TU Delft Repository.
Project Overview

Laparoscopy is a very significant method of surgery in low-income rural hospitals to reduce post-operative infections and mortality. But this is possible only if the laparoscopic instruments are clean and sterile. Sterile processing practices in rural India are rudimentary and surgical instruments are hand cleaned hence, 100% safe and sterile instruments cannot be guaranteed as compared to standardized outcomes in high-income hospitals.


Enhance the laparoscopic instrument cleanliness and reducing the rural nurse’s workload by conceptualizing a frugal mechanical washer for cleaning laparoscopic instruments in rural India.


Laparoscopic instruments with traces of blood, patient tissue, and rust found in rural Indian hospitals. Contaminants detected after the sterilization step. 

Body Labled.png

Outer view of the Frugal Mechanical Washer Disinfector. 

Internal Spread 1.png

Inner view of the Frugal Mechanical Washer Disinfector. 

"There can be cleaning without sterilization but never sterilization without cleaning."

-rural Indian Nurse

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View of the loaded cassette being inserted in the washer chamber.


Detailed view of the control panel.

Nurse to scale.png

Size of the frugal mechanical washer compared to the average Indian female.

View of the closed cassette loaded with dismantled laparoscopic instruments.

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View of the closed cassette loaded with dismantled laparoscopic instruments.

User Scenario
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Envisioned Journey Final-4.png
Envisioned Reprocessing Journey

Laparoscopic instruments were stained with artificial blood and allowed to dry to simulate the worst-case scenario of instruments being left to dry after surgery. The graspers were then soaked and brushed in a 3 rotor brush setup. The before and after images as seen under a microscope show the efficacy of this system. 

Laparoscopic Grasper before brushing.

Laparoscopic Grasper after brushing.

Special thanks to @Yaman Gupta for the 3D models and renders.



© 2024 Girish Malage

All material on this website is the original work by Girish Malage and/or in collaboration with the individuals mentioned on the respective project pages. The information contained in this portfolio may not be commercially used and/or modified.

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